I bought Cinema 4D XL specifically because MOI models went into it pretty much perfectly compared to my Lightwave, and XSI packages - what I was seeing in MOI I was seeing in C4D >without hassle<
I absolutely had no interest in C4D before I started using MOI and I told the wifey to directly blame Michael for causing me to spend 2K+ on C4D XL w/ additional plugins! ;-P
Having Rhino v2, I just find MOI to be more forgiving as to how I "think" when modeling; I can get my forms out pretty much the way I want, and quickly too!
I feel the ultimate advantage MOI has over Rhino (and other NURBS modelers) is its clean meshing routines - what good is it to be able to easily create your objects if you get ugly looking objects in your rendering package??!!