MoI 1.0 is released!

 From:  Hightower (ADUCCI)
1284.73 In reply to 1284.1 
Hi Micheal

well congratulations on the relase of the software.. i have already sold your software to about 5 people my workplace, when i present something designed in MOI, they all come and ask where i designed my presentation.

also i read you may want to offer 1 year licenses..

just thought i would report a small bug on your trial calculations... last night i had 21 days left, this morning i changed my ms config, -> tools -> Disable UAC... and now my license says
" Error, the trial period of this evaluation has been manipulated"

well, i am buying the software next month, so its not a problem for me, however i just thought you would need to fix this for the 1 year copy..

thanks for the great software and cheers.
