Final rendering

 From:  keith1961 (KEITH)
1267.19 In reply to 1267.11 
Hi Michael
I should be cleaning up. cooking and finishing of fitting doors but I'm looking at that bloody Audi again.

Just 4 of quick questions.

1. When I use the Edit/Join function am I trying to join surfaces, lines or points?

2. I have been trimming lines so that I am able to use the sweep and loft function, does doing so break up things that have been formerly joined?

3. In the tutorial you posted on building an Audi the car is devoid of surfaces throughout. Is it better to build things without surfaces for any reason other than because you can see the background picture? I like to see the surfaces as I make them but this might be because I lack confidence.

4. The Audi tutorial makes reference to making sweeps and blends that I have been unable to replicate. Does Rhino have some functions that Moi does not or does Moi implement the same functions in a different way?

If anybody other than Michael can answer these questions please do.