
 From:  Schbeurd
121.3 In reply to 121.2 
Maybe I'm gonna try to write some tutorials.
At first it will be in French for french speaking users discovering MoI but with screenshots and english terms they should be easy to follow for other users. I will concentrate on very basic stuff at the beginning...

No doubt that with an Evangelist like Frenchy Pilou (also known as "The Human Search Engine" on other forums), many french speaking users will be attracted here. ;-)

And for Frenchy : Merci pour le lien vers MoI. Je ne sais plus trop où je l'ai vu (le forum Silo je pense...) mais grâce à toi voilà encore une découverte intéressante ! (Thanks to Frenchy Pilou for making me discover MoI)