offset / loft problem

 From:  Michael Gibson
1181.9 In reply to 1181.8 
Hi Lemo,

> However, I can't get the results.

You mean on the same curves that you posted before, or on a different set of curves?

On the curves that you posted before, I needed to do the steps to split up the original curve so that it matched the offset segments.

If you're talking about a different set of curves, please post them as well and I can give you some more recommendations and steps on how to process them. But it will likely be the same steps I showed above about using Trim to split up the original curve into matching segments.

> After an offset, I end up with a curve which contains MANY more segments.

There isn't really any way around this - when your offset creates sharp corners you will get segments between each sharp corner piece. So you need to split up the original curve into equivalent segments.

- Michael