Custom Interface

 From:  Michael Gibson
1173.4 In reply to 1173.1 
> - where can I choose the default font for menus ? Is there a way
> to use a specific font, and how can I include it in MOI's Folders ?

The global font is set in moi.ini:

UIFontName=Century Gothic

The default is Century Gothic if you have it available (like if you have MS Office installed), otherwise Arial.

You can change the .ini file to globally change the font used - this font gets applied to the style of the <body> element of each UI panel, and it will actually override anything set in CSS that is applied to the body. So if you want one type of thing to have a different font than everything else you may need to apply a somewhat more fancy CSS rule that targets the individual element instead of the <body>

Which kind of menu do you want to change, the pop-up ones like the file menu?

- Michael