Hi micheal,
I've waited a long time to post here... (maybe to shy to disturb the "Great Man"...lol)
I love MOI, and I also love working on GUIs....
So, here is a little try of customing MOI :

and my hotkeys
The purpose is to maximise the viewports space and get a very simple interface (remember the old good Mac OS 7.5 ;) ), in order to concentrate on modeling....
Of course, it's just a begininge...consider it as some "Fan Art" :)
So, I have questions and problems :
Screens :
- I can't achieve to split the commands blocks (I would like to see all the commands in the same time : solid, curves, etc...) . As you can see, I have been able to duplicate the solid menu....that's all... do you have ideas ?
- do you have a graphic file (psd) with all icons and images . If you agree to share it, it could speed my work...
- is there a way to make lines thiner
- is there a way to increase the transparency of models ? .
- where can I choose the default font for menus ? Is there a way to use a specific font, and how can I include it in MOI's Folders ?
Keys :
- I don't fiond the way to change view (from top to right,left, etc.) without going full screen...
- I'm looking for a script to hide geometry by type (curves, solids) and reverse thing , like : hide/show all object switch....
I have more...but it would be cool if you could help me on that.
Thx in advance.