From:  Michael Gibson
11543.32 In reply to 11543.31 
Hi Len, when you show edit points on a circle, ellipse, or arc curve the points you see are from an automatically rebuilt approximation curve.

That's so that if you edit the points you'll get a smooth curve and not get kinks at internal fully multiple knots.

But if the segment is an arc with only 3 control points (without any internal fully multiple knots) it won't do the automatic rebuild because editing those points won't produce a sharp kink. The upper segment in your 3rd image falls into this category.

> In this next image, I add a point snapped to the midpoint of an arc, and it adds another control
> point instead and keeps the arc intact.

One thing to note is after you have added the control point, the result will be a rebuilt general spline curve and not a precise arc anymore.

If you want to keep exact arcs then you shouldn't edit their control points, when you do control point manipulation it is assumed that you want to make a squishable smooth curve.

- Michael