From:  Michael Gibson
11543.15 In reply to 11543.9 
Hi probotix,

> One thing I had to do that took me a couple of days to figure out was how to
> identify whether can arc was clockwise or counterclockwise.

If you get 3 distinct points on the arc (on a circle don't get start/mid/end because start and end are the same), you can then calculate the signed area of the 2D triangle which will be negative for clockwise order, positive for counter-clockwise.

Script code for calculating this is here:

> Also, is there a way (I could not find a script) to explicitly set the start point of a curve?

Do you mean only moving just the start control point which will mutate the shape of the curve?

Or do you mean moving the whole curve keeping its shape but positioning it so that it's start point is at the given point?

- Michael