viewport toolbars

 From:  Michael Gibson
1154.4 In reply to 1154.3 
Hi arquebus - if you'd like smaller buttons you can go to Options / General, and adjust the UI size slider to the left a little bit, that will shrink all the buttons in the UI including the viewport toolbar.

By default they are fairly large since that makes them much easier to click on.

It is also possible to edit the UI to make just those view control buttons smaller and not everything else.

I've attached an edited version of those viewport controls - to install it on your version download and unzip the attached file, and copy the ViewControls.htm file over top of the old version in the C:\Program Files\MoI beta Nov-18-2007\ui folder.

That will give you much smaller buttons on that viewport toolbar.

It is also possible to remove buttons by editing that file as well, just delete any of the <moi:CommandButton> entries that you don't want to have.

- Michael