help me

 From:  Michael Gibson
1151.5 In reply to 1151.4 
Hi billis, hi Pilou,

Very nice job on the mini tutorial Pilou! One note - it seems that your attachment above is the tutorial .zip again, not the .3dm file.

I think that the method that Pilou shows there is the easiest way for that kind of design - basically extrude one profile, and then slice away material from a second side profile.

One other option for the slicing part would be to mirror the slicer curve over to the other side, and then use those 2 slicers to cut the extrusion up into 3 pieces, that way the center part would be all one single piece instead of 2 halves joined together. Not a big deal though.

billis - you also might want to check out this other message from Jesse: - this one is a different style ring than the solitaire one that is linked to in that Resources/tutorials page. This other one is in a signet type style, but it shows a different approach, one that makes a more sort of gradually curving and rounded shape.

It takes somewhat more work to set up than the "2-profiles" type method that Pilou showed, but you may be interested in the different style that results. Download Jesse's file that is attached there (MoI sweep and open it in MoI, and you will see the
10 different stages that Jesse used to develop the curve framework which is then swept to produce the base solid piece, and then a hole is drilled through the center part.

- Michael