Viewport Screen goes black after Windows Lock Screen.

 From:  KanakaRed (ROTARYMAN13B)
11413.4 In reply to 11413.3 
I forgot to post yesterday as I got distracted with work, but unfortunately, manually setting the Graphics API isn't going to work. While it did resolve the black screen issue, it created another issue with selecting geometry. For some reason, it would only allow "click" selection in lower right viewport but not in the other three. Only marquee selection would work in the other three viewports. However If I maximize any view, then I'm no longer able to click select geometry in that lower right view. Considering that the black screen is a minor annoyance and doesn't impede my normal workflow, I'll guess I'll live with the auto for now. This is still using v4, I'll test v5 if there are issues when I get a chance.