
 From:  Michael Gibson
1141.2 In reply to 1141.1 
Hi lyes - thank you, I'm glad you like MoI!

It is possible to use some scripting to make the top viewport show on startup.

To do this, copy the attached settop.js file to somewhere on your hard drive.

Then you need to modify the shortcut that you use to launch MoI, and modify it to pass that settop.js file name as a command-line parameter.

To do that, right-click on the shortcut icon and pick "Properties". A dialog will come up and it will have a Target: entry that looks like this:

"C:\Program Files\MoI beta Nov-18-2007\MoI.exe"

Change that to add the complete path to the settop.js file after it. Put " " quotes around it if there are any spaces in the path. So it should look something like this:

"C:\Program Files\MoI beta Nov-18-2007\MoI.exe" "c:\MoI scripts\settop.js"

Now when you launch MoI using that shortcut, it should come up with the Top view set by default.

Note - this will only work if you have the latest Nov-18 beta.

Let me know if you have any problems setting this up.

Eventually I want to have a "Template file" type mechanism in MoI where you can choose a template file to start with, that would be an easier way to set this up. But this method should work for now.

- Michael