New Nov-18 beta available now

 From:  Michael Gibson
1137.18 In reply to 1137.10 
Hi Thomas, I've heard some good things about ShareIt - at the moment I'm planning on using Plimus which is very similar.

Re: licensing - node-locking / dongles

I still haven't exactly figured this out yet, but I really don't want to do a dongle since I'd rather avoid needing to actually ship physical stuff around...

If I do end up with some kind of node-locking, I do want to set it up to work on at least 2 machines. I don't want to have to make people contact me all the time either! That's why I may not go with node locking, to just reduce complexity and potential additional required support. But I need to dig into it for a bit to really evaluate pros and cons.

Thank you for your feedback and encouragement!

- Michael