Future Command in Moi

 From:  Michael Gibson
1122.2 In reply to 1122.1 
Hi Marco, thanks for your feedback!

> It has been comfortable the command bends from du seen like type in rhino.

This one is quite difficult to accomplish, they did a lot of work to enable this in the new version of Rhino. I don't think it will be possible to have this in MoI anytime very soon, you'll need to bring your objects from MoI into Rhino to do bending. One quick note though - you can use Copy/Paste to easily move objects back and forth between MoI and Rhino.

> It has been comfortable also the order estract isocurve from surface.

This one I do expect to add to MoI version 2, I just didn't have enough time to get to it for V1.
Another quick note - to extract edge curves, select the edges and then use Copy then Paste.

- Michael