MoI's Future- Mac Version?

 From:  philcarrizzi
1103.17 In reply to 1103.16 
I am confirming that MOI runs on Parallels for Mac build 5570 (in Leopard). Others may have already confirmed this, but I couldn't find any. So the Direct3D thing on a virtualized Mac is a non-issue as far as I can tell. It still isn't as good as a native app, but it does mean that those people who run a virtualized Window to run things like Rhino anyway (like me) will be able to rock MOI. Sweet.

FYI re: Windows licensing costs: our students get Windows for $30, which we require that they install on their mandatory Macbook Pro laptops. We haven't, yet, required Parallels, but that may be coming at some point.


p h i l l i p c a r r i z z i
Assistant Professor, Chair
Allesee Metals/Jewelry Design Program
Kendall College of Art and Design
