New six-legged pod video tutorial available.

 From:  Michael Gibson
1096.10 In reply to 1096.6 
Hi Argonaute, I definitely agree that a tutorial covering the full construction of a detailed object would be valuable, especially without rushing through and skipping any steps.

I have tried really hard to not do that kind of rushing through style with these previous 3 tutorials.

The problem is that it is pretty difficult and time consuming to create tutorials in this way.

If I had another month or so to work full time just on tutorials, then that would probably be the kind of thing that I would try to produce.

But I've got to try and strike a balance with the amount of time that I spend on any one particular part of the product, including tutorials.

The current 3 tutorials cover a lot of the basics of NURBS construction like drawing curves, constructing surfaces from curves, cutting objects with booleans, and applying fillets - this should be a pretty good overall introduction to someone coming from a polygon background, because these current 3 tutorials do go through the full stages to create a basic model from scratch.

- Michael