Has anybody else had issues with the latest V5 beta creating inaccurate distances using snaps?
I love the new Object hierarchy option and am eager to use it to make life a little more sane, but unfortunately when I import some of my V4 projects into V5 and try to draw lines I end up with inaccurate line lengths even when I turn "On" and "On Surface" snap off.
E.g., when straight snapping from the end of one horizontal line to a random point on another horizontal line using the shift key to get a straight vertical line and using int or int/perp to terminate the new line I might get something like 36.9993834232002 instead of 37.0. This doesn't seem to happen with new V5 projects, only old projects opened from V4.
Decimal display is set to 1.00000 and V5 beta seems to have imported all of my V4 settings and plugins.