V5 beta May-22-2022 available now

 From:  Larry Fahnoe (FAHNOE)
10706.81 In reply to 10706.80 
Hi Michael,

Thanks, I was puzzling over how to modify Distribute to use the CPlane & appreciate seeing your approach to the problem.

Now the bug report which I think may be touching on the extra items being selected.

Using the Shed model, here are the steps that I took:
1. Hide everything but the Purlins and Trusses groups
2. Select Purlin1* and delete them (probably unnecessary, but gets rid of the purlins on the right hand side of the roof)
3. Select Purlin05 and delete it (to create an uneven distribution for Distribute to work on)
4. Select Purlin0*
5. Distribute along X (without a CPlane this will produce inappropriate results, but it is the step I took)
6. Observe the result don't click DONE

Purlin01 and Purlin09 are showing selected in the object browser
Parts of all the purlins appear to be selected in the 3D view
No apparent duplication of groups in the object browser, but the 3D view makes me think that there may be duplication

7. Click DONE

What I get is very odd. There are now 6 instances of the Framing group in the object browser (oh my!). Within each instance of Framing a different purlin is selected for a total of 6 purlins selected.

Revert to the saved model.

1. Hide everything but the Purlins and Trusses groups
2. Select Purlin1* and delete them
3. Select Purlin05 and delete it
4. Using the Front view, create a CPlane with origin in the lower left corner of Purlin01.
5. Adjust Z toward you and X along the top of the truss member (base of the purlins)
6. Switch to the Top view
7. Select Purlin0*
8. Distribute along X
9. Click DONE

Essentially similar strange duplication and selection behavior as without the CPlane. This is definitely repeatable.

Certainly wasn't trying to make work for you, but perhaps my shed model is a torture test of sorts for groups and Distribute.
