V5 beta May-22-2022 available now

 From:  Michael Gibson
10706.40 In reply to 10706.39 
Hi Frederick,

> Currently :
> - Clicking on a object in a group once selects the group
> - Clicking again on the same object selects just that object
> Correct?

Yes, it's similar to the "drill in" behavior that's been in place for selecting edge or face sub-objects of solids since MoI version 1.

> I have a couple of ideas.
> 1. Allow selecting that behavior (group then object) or the reverse (object then group)

I don't think I've seen any programs that function in the reverse order. Do you know of any examples?

It's kind of the most essential function of groups that it makes a set of objects stay together and that means starting with the topmost whole group being selected on the first click.

> 2. Allow holding down some key to control that behavior. Key up you get it one way, key down
> the other. Just to eliminate the need for a second click

What key would you propose for doing that? I'm not sure that there are any that are not already serving some other purpose.

- Michael