Hi Michael,
Attached is a simple file with ONE group and THREE objects.
I envision selecting the GROUP and then executing a EXPORT STL command.
Each OBJECT in the GROUP would be exported as a separate STL file.
The destination folder would be determined by a option within the 3DM file itself (as opposed to a option within MOI) . This option would be specified by the user and it would be saved with the file.
The name of each file would be determined by another "file option" which would determine how the file name would be constructed from the GROUP name and the OBJECT name.
I can see having some sort of tokens representing things like the GROUP name, the OBJECT name and anything else you think would be good.
So lets say the tokens for the two above were $G for GROUP name and $O for OBJECT name.
They would be used, along with literals, to create a template used to construct the file name.
With a template of $G_$O and using the attached 3DM file the file names would become:
Group A_Sphere 1.stl
Group A_Sphere 2.stl
Group A_Sphere 3.stl
Hope that makes it clear what I am thinking of.