V5 beta May-22-2022 available now

 From:  Psygorn (DRILLBIT)
Hi Michael,

I hope you are doing well :-)

I think I faced something weird and I want to share it with you.

I visited "https://www.artstation.com/artwork/28ykJx" where Christian Schweger (Zarkow) shares a link: "https://onedrive.live.com/authkey=%21AK1TMYTX1cHJDWc&id=1C86BCB357547A01%212535&cid=1C86BCB357547A01&parId=root&parQt=sharedby&o=OneUp"
there you will find a zip file called "F_Concept" if you unzip this file you will find 3 files in it. I double clicked on the file called "F_Concept.stp" obviously MOI3D opens but when I hover mouse cursor over the 3dmodel I hear a noise! it is audible when cursor moves over the model if the cursor stays still there will be no sound! and the sound is like a very low buzzing sound! Could you check and see if you get the same results? (I suggest you to use earphones/head phone) and if yes then what could be the reason?
