Violin Head

 From:  Michael Gibson
1050.25 In reply to 1050.24 
Hi pat, you will need to create some curves that are kind of like a hoop pointing upwards to use as the profile curves for your sweep, to give it the kind of of shape that you are looking for.

Like for instance the image shown here:

You may need to draw these in the front view so that they are upwards, and then move and rotate them into place before sweeping. I can give you an example if you want to post your .3dm file that has your curves in it.

But this kind of relief type work is not a particularly strong area for MoI - you will probably get better results with less work if you use a program that is specifically designed just for making relief type designs, like ArtCAM for instance.

You might also be interested in the ZSurf program which will create a relief type surface from an input bitmap, where height is controlled by the brightness of the image, so you use gradient fills to create bumps and things:

- Michael