Save image from MOI

 From:  Michael Gibson
1049.23 In reply to 1049.22 
> another thing is that artifact normal in the 2d prog image ? corners lines are separated!

Hi Pilou, this is normal at least for now - each edge of the solid is drawn as a separate line so that is the end of each line.

When you have curve segments that are joined together like with a rectangle curve, that will produce ends that are mitered, but completely separate curve objects (which is the case with edge curves like you show) do not get mitered between each other.

> Ps and my maxi seems to be 2048 * 2048 (in Moi with the past to clipboard)
> with a video card with 128 megas : normal?

Yes, this is normal, different video cards will have different limitations. Sometimes the limit is not just in memory but also just what the driver is programmed to allow.

I would generally expect cards that are newer and have more memory to allow larger sizes.

- Michael