MOI + SubD or not?

 From:  angeliclight
1048.3 In reply to 1048.2 

I am sort of understanding it now. NURBS tends to be more shape-oriented, or at elast better for it. SUBD is more like pushing and pulling with clay, no? URBS in this case would do a guitar more quickly than SUBD.

I think I am understanding this more - I thought they were mutually exclusive, meaning I would get MOI or Modo (for example) and the two would do the same thing, i mistakenly thought, so why get both? But now I see that each is a different tool.

Not two hammers but a hammer and a wrench, so to speak.

Okay, thanks for being so patient with me, being a newbie. If it's any consolation, you most definitely just made a sale!

Thanks, again, and sure open to further input!

- A