Ears of wheat

 From:  Zooen
10315.3 In reply to 10315.2 
Tanks (Merci) Marco,

And I totally approve (Et j'approuve totalement) :

The world it's so completely overloaded of any kind of terrible weapons, that artists of any kind, including 3d artists and 3d modeller, could do a much greater job, if they will spent their talents and efforts in creating something else. Whatever else .

The project of this modest creation is to finalize it by putting a bouquet of dried flowers and plants in the vase. But, as each spikelet of an ear is unique and slightly different from the others (to make the organic side and the reality of each ear) my file has become very "heavy" and this slows down MoI.

But I will still complete my bouquet. I make each plant or flower in a separate file. So only the final file will take me a long time to consolidate.

- Zooen

EDITED: 15 May 2021 by ZOOEN