v1 beta - axis snap + IGES (old thread)

 From:  Michael Gibson
1013.13 In reply to 1013.12 
Hi Pilou,

> What script and where put it?....

A script that you write to do some automated actions, you put it wherever you want, you have to tell MoI where it is by supplying the full path when you pass it to MoI.exe

So for example if your script is in c:\Scripts\MyScript.js, you would call MoI.exe in this way (probably from a batch file):

"C:\Program Files\MoI beta Sep-4-2007\MoI.exe" c:\Scripts\MyScript.js

For more information, please see this thread:

There I give an example of how to call MoI with a script to have it load several IGES files and save them out as OBJ files, all without ever actually showing the MoI window.

- Michael