V4 released!

 From:  mkdm
10083.145 In reply to 10083.1 
Hello Michael.

I ask you a little help to do the followings two things, because I don't know where I could find this documentation.

FIRST question:
In one of my scripts, I need to programmatically and temporarily set to "FixedColor" this two settings:


But none of the attempts that I show you here worked out.

moi.view.surfaceColorMode = "FixedColor";
moi.view.edgeColorMode = "FixedColor";

moi.view.surfaceColorMode = 0;
moi.view.edgeColorMode = 1;

moi.view.surfaceColorMode = "Fixed color";
moi.view.edgeColorMode = "Fixed color";

moi.view.surfaceColorMode = "FixedColor";
moi.view.edgeColorMode = "FixedColor";

Also I can't figured out how to revert to the original state:
moi.view.surfaceColorMode = "ByStyle";
moi.view.edgeColorMode = "ByStyle";

None of them did work.

What I have to write in the code?

SECOND question:

I need to put in an javascript array ALL the NAMED objects. That is, ALL the objects that have a NAME explicitly set by the user.

What is the Moi'API call to use?

Thanks and have a nice day.