V4 released!

 From:  Michael Gibson
10083.131 In reply to 10083.130 
Hi Marco,

> But now I only would need that the popup menu could gets automatically the FOCUS as soon it open.

Unfortunately this does not happen with a popup menu, it's because it uses the Qt popup mechanism. When Qt shows a popup window all key events are sent to it regardless of what window has the current focus.

I've fixed this up for v5 so that popup windows will get the script keyboard events sent to them always but for v4 it's only reliable on a dialog not on a menu.

> But most of my shortcuts are a combination of a key and qualifiers, and if I use
> OnKeyDownEvent, as soon as I press a qualifier, the dialog closes.

Your OnKeyDownEvent() handler could look at what key the event is for and if it's for a modifier don't close the window. There is documentation on the event properties in ShortcutKeyDialog.htm .

- Michael